
Chassell Township Schools
41585 U.S. Highway 41 -- P.O. Box 140
Chassell, Michigan 49916

906.483.2132 [phone]
906.487.9045 [fax]

Join Parents' List Serve

  1. In your email client, compose a new message to:

  2. Subject and body can contain anything you want.

  3. You'll get an email from "" asking you to confirm that you want to join the group.

  4. You need to send a reply to this email. The "Join group" button doesn't work if you
    don't have a Chassell email address.

  5. If done correctly, you will get another email confirming that you have been added to the group.






Guidotti, Marco

Superintendent, K-5 Principal

Email Marco Guidotti

906.483.2132 ext. 401

Marshall, Jennifer L.

Business Office Manager

Email Jennifer L. Marshall

906.483.2132 ext. 400

Arens, Tara

K-12 Administrative Assistant - Principal's Office Secretary

Email Tara Arens

906.483.2132 x 404

Tervo, Tricia

6-12 Principal/Guidance Counselor; Physics

Email Tricia Tervo

906.483.2132 ext. 405

Thomas, Norm

Custodian and Maintenance

Email Norm Thomas
